Diet Plan for Sciatica

Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg.

Sciatica most often occurs when a herniated disk or an overgrowth of bone puts pressure on part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain, and often some numbness in the affected leg.

The pain can vary from a mild ache to sharp, burning pain. Sometimes it can feel like a jolt or electric shock. It can be worse when coughing or sneezing or sitting for a long time. Usually, sciatica affects only one side of the body.


Some people also have numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the leg or foot. One part of the leg can be in pain, while another part can feel numb.

Risk factors for sciatic nerve pain

Common risk factors include:

Age – people in their 30s and 40s have a higher risk of developing sciatica.

Sedentary lifestyle – people who sit for long periods and are physically inactive are more likely to develop sciatica, compared with active people.

Obesity - Being overweight increases stress on the spine.

Occupation - A job that requires twisting the back, carrying heavy loads, or driving a motor vehicle for long periods might play a role in sciatica.

Diabetes - This condition, which affects the way the body uses blood sugar, increases the risk of nerve damage.


In some cases, sciatica can be prevented; there are several lifestyle changes that can reduce the chances of developing it, including regular exercise and making sure proper posture is used when standing, sitting upright, and lifting objects.


Sciatica is essentially a problem of inflammation. Eliminating food that is added to inflammation can speed your recovery and help prevent a recurrence.

Trans fats - Most packaged and processed food items contain a high amount of trans fat, bad quality seed oil, and a high amount of sodium. This can increase inflammation and water retention in the body, which can worsen your condition.

Refined vegetable oils - Not all oils are bad. You want to avoid oils that are extracted with chemicals or through milling. You also need to avoid French fries, chips, or other foods cooked in these oils.

Refined carbohydrates - Carbohydrates that have their fiber removed to encourage the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria. These include white flour, refined corn products, white rice, and many commercial cereals and sugars.

Excessive alcohol - Moderate amounts of alcohol may provide some health benefits but higher amounts increase inflammation.

Processed meats - Sausage, bacon, ham, hot dogs, smoked meat, and beef jerky Ares are often processed at high temperatures which creates substances associated with inflammation.

Off course, Sciatica is connected with the inflammation of nerves so to hit the root because you need to address the inflammation and include foods that fight inflammation. Here are some healthy choices:

  • Fish and selected fruits such as Fresh strawberries, blueberries, berries, and pineapple are good choices
  • Green tea
  • Food is rich in A, B, C, and K vitamins
  • Selected spices and flavorings such as Turmeric, ginger, and garlic added to drinks or cooked foods can help
  • Water! Be sure to drink plenty of water every day

A diet rich in whole grains, natural foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, such as salmon, and soluble and insoluble fiber can be effective in reducing inflammation.

These are the general indications towards causes and relief of sciatica Nutrishilp suggests consulting a doctor for the precise diagnosis and our team is always there to help one cope up with the pain of sciatica with our nutritional and dietary assistance.



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